Sunday, January 31, 2016

I (am beginning to) Love Worcester

Okay, check out this AWESOME video.  This is one thing drones are good for!

I Love Worcester (click me!)

City Hall.

Mussels and More

Today was a cooking day! I've included pictures of my culinary accomplishments for the day.

Salmon w/ white balsamic and lemon-dill sauce over spinach.

The odd ends of celery for cooking soups and such.

Grapes for lunches! 
(no cooking required)


Prep for mussels...white wine, garlic, shallots, rosemary...

Mussels, squash and baked potato, with a South African Chenin Blanc.

In the beginning...

In the beginning...
I was somewhere other than Worcester. But then life happened and, eventually, I ended up in Worcester, where I am now. In the few short weeks I've been here, I've been exploring the city and sharing everything I find that catches my interest about the city.  I've been "'Wooting' about Worcester," so to speak....  Besides that, I've often been one to want to share new recipes, photos, or other things that pique my interest. So, I thought I might just put it all together, here, as The Daily Woot.
So, if you're interested to know what's been occupying me these days, check back here, whenever you have time.