Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Adventures Part II/III

Yesterday...well, it was a much needed break from the heat. I don't have central AC, nor have I installed a window unit AC yet. This is a problem. However, the heat has subsided, so I have a little more time to get it installed (hopefully) before the next heat wave... and luckily the evenings cool down pretty well. Anyway, I opted to go shopping and then tackle the remaining items that needed to be organized/reorganized due to my move. And, I hung up my artwork on my walls.  Success, I say! I topped off the night by making a grilled eggplant parmesan dish. Actually, I was a vegetarian/cheese-a-tarian all day! Go me! ... I know, the real kudos will come when I do a vegetarian day WITHOUT including cheese. Don't hold your breath, that may never happen...

Eggplant-Parm Dish

Today I spent the day cooking/prepping for future cook-outs. I made up lamb and turkey burgers and stuck them in the freezer for another day. I also made mediterranean meatloaf (not pictured), lamb chops (topped with a dill-mint herb blend, served over left-over Noodles Wisconsin Mac-n-Cheese) for lunch, and pizza for dinner. It was a productive culinary day in my kitchen (and on my grill outside).

Lamb chops.

And here's my pizza!

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