Monday, February 15, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

It's Presidents' Day! Thanks for being a great President, Barak Obama.

Today I did a little driving around Worcester-- thought it might be good idea to continue to get more familiar with my surroundings.  I only managed to get in one photo... Holy Cross was one of the places I went and there was a bizarre amount of traffic on campus so I skiddadled pretty fast.

And then I went shopping at the Solomon Pond Mall (Marlborough, about 20 minutes away):

But before that made breakfast (and ate it):

Oat-nut toast, with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, a fried egg, a slice of bacon and some scallions. Yum.

And, here's dinner from last night:


Broiled haddock over quinoa with pineapple, corn, red pepper, kale, and black beans.
Healthy, for heart day =) (aka, Valentine's Day).

Tonight I'm having pizza left over from Friday.

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